Hidden Valley Highlands Ski Area closed out its season with a splash last weekend, hosting its annual dress-up day, pancake breakfast, and puddle jump on Saturday, March 26.
The day began with a free pancake breakfast as thanks to all who skied or snowboarded at the hill over the season. Attendees were encouraged to dress up in their silliest gear and take to the slopes for a day of fun in the sun.
More than 50 people signed up to attempt the ice-cold puddle jump challenge, a long-standing end-of-season tradition at Hidden Valley, on Saturday afternoon.
“It was a great year,” said Courtney Payne, HVHSA communications and events manager. “Dress-up day and the puddle jump was a fantastic way to end out the season and we were so stoked to see lots of people out taking part and getting the last few runs of the season in.”
Those whose last runs included an attempt at the puddle got bragging rights, whether or not they successfully made it across. There were some spectacular wipe-outs, some near-successes that came to within inches of the end of the puddle, and a few triumphs.
The Huntsville Lake of Bays Fire Department and Canadian Ski Patrol Muskoka Zone were on hand to help jumpers out of the water and ensure everyone’s safety.

See video of the event on the HVHSA Facebook page here.
Hidden Valley is now closed for the season. Watch skihiddenvalley.ca or Facebook for details on next season.
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