Bala’s Trek To Bethlehem returns for another year of glad tidings on December 9.
The annual tradition sees a circle of Bala streets transformed into a biblical village where guests journey back in time to experience what the first Christmas night might have looked, sounded, and felt like.
Guests will follow the journey of Joseph and Mary on their first Christmas, and be inspired by the true meaning of Christmas.
“Personally, I find this Trek is the perfect launch for my Christmas celebrations as I am always inspired by the warmth and sincerity of our actors as they tell a magnificent story,” said Patricia Gidley, Chairperson.
The Trek begins at the Bala Community Centre at 1008 Maple Avenue. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., and small group guided tours will take place between 6 and 8:30 p.m.
Guests will begin the evening singing Christmas carols, after being handed a decree stating that they are summoned to the City of their Fathers ‘to be counted’ and pay their taxes. Guests are then led by a costumed guide around the Trek.
Along the route, guests will meet a cast of biblical characters including the Three Magi, a choir of angels, shepherds, Roman soldiers, and the lonely leper.
After touring the magnificent marketplace, passing the infamous Inn, and encountering a prophet, groups continue on to the miracle of the manger scene.
The journey ends at the Bala Arena – disguised for the evening as the Jerusalem Inn – where guests may enjoy refreshments including hot chocolate and cookies.
This is a free family-friendly event, supported entirely by volunteers. While donations are welcome, there is no charge to attend.
Guests are reminded to dress accordingly, as this is an outdoor event.
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