This past week was a bonanza for political junkies. It doesn’t get better than this! On Friday [...]
Listen Up! Can we just forget about Trump? | Commentary
Last week, I wrote a Listen Up article centered around United States President Joe Biden [...]
Listen Up! Is it ever okay to lie? | Commentary
Last week, United States President Joe Biden used his executive power to unconditionally pardon [...]
Listen Up! Ready for Trump 2.0?: A guest post by Dave Wilkin | Commentary
Hugh Mackenzie is taking a break from Listen Up! This is a guest commentary by Dave Wilkin. [...]
Listen Up! Some thoughts about Canada | Commentary
There are a couple of things, not particularly related, that have caught my eye recently. [...]
Listen Up! Wish I could brighten your day: A guest post by Sally Barnes | Commentary
By Sally Barnes I have tried mightily to buoy up myself and countless friends, family and [...]
How much more proof do we need?: Hugh Holland | Commentary
By Hugh Holland How much more proof do we need? After the ever-growing list of climate [...]
Listen Up! Fasten your seatbelt | Commentary
Well, thank goodness THAT election is over. I had no idea who was going to win the presidential [...]
Listen Up! It’s hard to be optimistic | Commentary
I was grumpy this past week and a little depressed. It took me a few days to figure out why. [...]
Democracy or Dictatorship? The choice of US voters: Sally Barnes | Commentary
By Sally Barnes Just when I was about to give up on our American neighbours, some true heroes [...]
So when and where is the debste of Muskoka Parry sound. Candidates debate?
I have been in contact with a fair number of Americans. Most of them understand why Canadians are upset and…
I always look forward to reading your commentary articles, Hugh, and this one in particular hit the nail-on-the-head! Please consider…
This is a complete misuse of taxpayer money. In the past a multimillion dollar brewery got a grant to expand…
With a few exceptions, this commentary could be describing Trudeau, not Trump. Unfortunately we are living in a time when…