With Halloween only a few nights away, the Ontario Provincial Police has created a fun safety video message to remind trick-or-treaters, parents and drivers of some tips to ensure a spooky yet safe Halloween night.
Below are some additional pointers for a hauntingly safe and fun Halloween:
• Trick-or-treaters should always walk on a sidewalk if one is available and use crosswalks to cross the street.
• Parents are encouraged to dress their trick-or-treaters in bright colours to make them more visible to drivers. Ensure children’s masks or other face coverings do not obstruct their vision.
• Before the Halloween festivities begin, create a “buddy system” to help get each other home safely and prevent walking alone.
• Drivers should expect to see more pedestrians on roads on Halloween. Be alert and slow down for trick-or-treaters.
• Stay particularly alert for trick-or-treaters who may come out from between parked cars or behind shrubbery. Stop for them and proceed with caution. • Never use or look at your phone when you’re driving. Driving needs your full attention, particularly on Halloween when there’s an increased presence of pedestrians after dark.
Remember that safety is everyone’s responsibility. If you see a suspected impaired driver, call 911 to report them. If you observe non-urgent suspicious activity, please call 1-888-310-1122. Happy Halloween from the OPP!
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