By Peter Rhead
More examples of responses the strong Two Club opening
Last week we introduced the responses to partner’s strong Two Club opening. Remember, Two Diamonds is a waiting bid, a catch-all bid for no suit.
This week we have examples of hands where you consider which response to use.
Case 1:
Spades Axxxx
Hearts J
Diamonds xxx
Clubs xxxx
Case 1: Your partner opens Two Clubs. With your six points including one length point, you should bid Two Diamonds – waiting – because your Spades are not strong enough to bid Two Spades.
Case 2:
Spades Axxxx
Hearts A
Diamonds xxxx
Clubs Kxx
Case 2: Again partner opens Two Clubs. Again you bid Two Diamonds, this time with twelve points including one length point. Note that 22 + 12 points is slam territory. So you do not want to stop short of slam. Your Two Diamond bid is forcing. Listen to your partner’s bid and then jump in Spades to show your strength. You can do this because you have told partner already that you do not have a good Spade suit when you bid Two Diamonds. Eventually you will force the partnership to slam.
Case 3:
Spades xxxx
Hearts A
Diamonds xxx
Clubs xxxxx
Case 3: Partner opens Two Clubs. With this hand you are almost bust but your singleton Ace could be very valuable. Therefore you respond Two Diamonds – waiting – and see what opener with his big hand has to say!
For more information, Read “Two Club Strong Artificial Opening” by Barbara Seagram in 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know P.41
Next Week: More Examples for you to respond to partner’s strong Two Club opening.
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