
Duplicate Bridge results and tips: Useful conventions worth learning, part 129

By Peter Rhead

More examples of Jacoby Two No-Trump responses

Today we look at more examples of your Jacoby 2NT responses to your partner’s major suit opening. Remember, by responding Jacoby 2NT, you tell opening partner that you have four-card support for his major suit and you also have an opening hand. Your next bids are cue bids showing first round control of a particular suit (an Ace in the suit or a void).

Case 1:

Spades KQxx

Hearts AQxx

Diamonds void

Clubs Axxxx

Case 1: Partner opens One Spade opposite your hand above. You know that you probably have game and maybe slam. After all, your opening partner has at least thirteen points! You bid Jacoby 2NT. Suppose partner then bids Three Spades. He shows he has no controls, except probably the Ace of Spades, so he went back to the original suit. Your second bid of Four Clubs promises first round control (FRC) in Clubs. He bids Four Spades. You bid Five Diamonds to show FRC in Diamonds and interest in slam. If partner bids Five Spades, that is where the hand will be played. You tried for slam but it did not work out.

Case 2:

Spades AQxx

Hearts Kxxx

Diamonds void

Clubs Kxxxx

Case 2: Partner opens One Heart. You respond Jacoby 2NT. Suppose partner now bids Three Clubs showing first round control (FRC) of Clubs. You bid Three Diamonds showing FRC of Diamonds (void). Partner probably has the Ace of Hearts when he bids Three Hearts showing no further FRC. When you now bid Three Spades, partner sees all suits covered. You have showed partner you have a strong hand. Opening partner now works out his bidding strategy for slam, or he just bids Four Hearts for game.

Case 3:

Spades xx

Hearts KQxxx

Diamonds xxx

Clubs xxx

Case 3: Partner opens One Spade. You have no bid. You have a Heart suit and six points including one length point. But you do not have four-card Spade support with an opening hand for a Jacoby 2NT bid. Nor have you any other bid. You just PASS.

For more information, Read “Jacoby 2NT” by Barbara Seagram in 25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know, page 83.

Next Week: Responding to a Michaels Cuebid.

If you wish to promote an activity in your Bridge group or ask a Bridge question, send the information to [email protected] and I will try to include it in this column.

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