During the most recent Gravenhurst Council meeting the Gravenhurst Environmental Advisory Committee (GEAC) recommended some changes be made to the Tree Preservation by-law.
Coun. Pilger explained that GEAC looked at this “due to some issues that we had with tree removal and problems with complaints from neighbours…we are trying to fill in some of the holes that are there.”
The subsection to be added would require photographic proof of necessity to remove a tree and that re-planting of trees be considered as an option during the permit process.
Deputy mayor Lorenz asked if this applied to everyone or just in cases where a permit was required.
Coun. Pilger said it mostly affected “areas such as waterfront or where there was concern for site alteration, and the trees are considered dead, dying or diseased.” G
EAC felt if there was clear-cutting occurring, that it would “be good to have an inventory or photographic proof that it would be evident removal was needed.” Council approved the recommendation.
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