With voters headed to the polls on September 20, Doppler invited the Parry Sound-Muskoka candidates from the five main national parties to participate in a Q&A. Each day this week, we’ll be posting their replies in random order.
Today’s question: What part of your party’s platform do you believe is most critical as we emerge from this pandemic? How would you work with other parties to implement it?
People’s Party, Jim Tole
As we emerge from the pandemic, getting people back to work in meaningful, well-paying, permanent jobs is critical. Freedom of speech and personal responsibility and less governmental intrusion into our lives is of utmost importance as well. More government intrusion into people’s lives mean less individual freedom.
Conservative Party, Scott Aitchison
The whole platform is important: https://www.conservative.ca/plan/
We need to rebuild the economy, invest in Canadians, and secure Canada’s future. And we need to do it in a way that respects the environment, creates jobs, balances the budget, improves mental health, and protects the rights and freedoms of Canadians.
My style has always been to work cooperatively and collaboratively with others. I have tried to do that on several important files in our riding – affordable housing, summer camps, business supports, rural internet – to just name a few. I must confess the governing Liberals have shown no interest in helping me to assist my constituents on these issues. All I can do is keep reaching out.
Green Party, Marc Mantha
I’d like to suggest we can’t wait until we emerge from this pandemic…action now.
We have a plan. Mission:Possible is a detailed plan built around how “mitigating the climate crisis” will benefit the quality of life for all Canadians and Indigenous Communities. greenparty.ca/en/mission-possible
The plan was unveiled for the election in 2019. Only one thing has changed. We have to act NOW.
We will work together with a multi-party cabinet and our Indigenous communities to take this on.
You have a voice. Send a Green MP to Ottawa.
New Democratic Party, Heather Hay
The most critical part of the NDP’s platform is the comprehensive plan we have to tackle the climate emergency. COVID tragically made us aware that pandemic readiness is key to the defence of our national health and economy and reform of long-term care is desperately long overdue but we can’t be detoured from the environmental crisis we face. While it is important to work with the other parties to take the actions necessary to protect our environment for future generations, the priority has to be working with First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples in a true nation-to-nation relationship. Trudeau bailed on his promise for clean water and bought a pipeline and the conservatives deny the climate crisis is real. We can’t afford to play politics while our planet burns. The NDP will show the leadership to cut emissions by more than half and meet the 1.5 degree target that scientists say is necessary to prevent catastrophe. We will create good paying jobs retrofitting buildings and investing in clean energy.
Liberal Party, Jovanie Nicoyishakiye
Did not respond.
See the candidates’ answers to previous questions at the links below:
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