By the Muskoka Watershed Council
Muskoka Watershed Council (MWC) is recognizing fourteen watershed stewards in 2022 through the Doug Cross Stewardship Recognition Program. Each recipient was selected by their respective organizations and presented with a certificate of recognition and gift card.
The Doug Cross Stewardship Recognition Program was established in 2022 to help local community and lake organizations across Muskoka’s watersheds recognize the dedication, effort, and good stewardship activities of their members. Organizations register in January to receive a Recognition Package to award to a deserving member of their organization. Each Recognition Package contains a Certificate of Recognition and a $50 gift card to Hidden Habitat native plant nursery in Kilworthy!
A list of organizations that participated in 2022 along with the names of recipients and their efforts to protect our watersheds is now available on the MWC website.
MWC would like to thank all organizations for their participation in the inaugural year and making the program a success. More importantly, MWC would like to thank all of the recipients for their outstanding efforts to protect our watersheds and leading by example.
The Doug Cross Stewardship Recognition Program is named after Doug Cross, a former MWC member that spearheaded a number of communications initiatives for MWC. Mr. Cross passed away in 2020, leaving behind a legacy of volunteerism for various community and environmental initiatives.
The Doug Cross Stewardship Recognition Program will return for 2023 with registration opening January 1st. Learn more about the program and register your organization (in January 2023) at
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