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Roadside mowing begins in Bracebridge

This month, the Town of Bracebridge will begin its annual roadside mowing program along approximately 300 kilometres of municipal roads. The program helps reduce tall roadside vegetation areas in order to improve road drainage and visibility for the safety of motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. The majority of roadside mowing occurs along rural roads, however, some select locations within the urban area are also maintained through the program. Cutting will take place in all areas in July, and where required a second cut may take place in select areas from mid-to-end of August. The Town ensures environmental protection is a priority on municipal projects. It recognizes and works towards preserving and protecting natural heritage/natural environment.

How can you help?

Items and Debris

  • Remove any items or debris such as wood, metal, waste and recycling containers from the Town right-of-ways and approaches fronting your property. These items can cause damage to the operating equipment and pose a hazard for operators.
  • Mark drainage pipes, old posts or other obstacles that may be hidden by long grass with flagging tape.

Operators and Equipment

  • When driving, allow plenty of room while approaching operating equipment and only pass when it is safe to do so. Motorists are asked to take extra caution when passing the equipment. 
  • Cyclists, pedestrians, children and pets are advised to stay well back from operating equipment.
  • Do not approach operators. They cannot change their routes or carry out special requests. 

Corner Sightlines

  • Town staff complete proactive sightline inspections on a regular basis. If you notice a sightline issue that needs to be addressed, contact the Public Works Department at 705-645-5264 ext. 3650.

The Town appreciates the public’s patience while we complete roadside mowing operations.

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