From the Town of Bracebridge:
Springtime is fast approaching and flooding in low-lying areas of the Town is a potential risk due to melting snow and spring rainfall.
With the freshet events of 2019 still very clear in our minds, the Town of Bracebridge wishes to remind its residents and visitors that freshet preparations should be undertaken by those in areas prone to flooding.
The Town of Bracebridge is committed to the safety of our residents and visitors, as well as the protection of property. With this in mind, the Town wishes to keep the public informed so that they can be prepared to lessen the effects of flooding events should they occur this year.
Town of Bracebridge emergency planning officials are working closely with their counterparts from the District Municipality of Muskoka and the other municipalities in Muskoka to ensure a consistent flow of information to the public in the event of a flood occurrence.
As we progress through the 2022 spring freshet, the Town will issue freshet updates to assist in flood protection and mitigation. These updates may include: Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry (NDMNRF) flood bulletins, road closure notifications, sandbag availability, safety tips or other relevant flood information.
You can find more information, including proper flooding preparedness here.
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