Seeing with Your Heart with Author, Joanne George & Sunny, the Dog
Bracebridge United Church 46 Dominion Street, Bracebridge, Ontario, CanadaMuskoka Authors Association is thrilled to welcome author, Joanne George, as our guest speaker on Thursday, October 10. Joanne and her dog Smiley spent years visiting schools, group homes, hospitals, libraries, and organizations helping those with developmental and physical disabilities. After rescuing Smiley who was born without eyes from a puppy mill, Joanne soon realized [...]
I always look forward to reading your commentary articles, Hugh, and this one in particular hit the nail-on-the-head! Please consider…
This is a complete misuse of taxpayer money. In the past a multimillion dollar brewery got a grant to expand…
With a few exceptions, this commentary could be describing Trudeau, not Trump. Unfortunately we are living in a time when…
This article is misleading! For instance the bridge on Goltz Lane has been closed to vehicle traffic for a very…
Omgosh! Illegal!! Doh!