Complaint dismissed
Suzanne Craig of the Office of the Integrity Commission attended the virtual session to present her findings in a complaint made against Coun. Jo Morphy. The complainant said that Murphy should have disclosed a pecuniary interest at previous meetings when a grant for the group Gravenhurst Against Poverty (GAP) was being discussed, as she was affiliated with them. Craig said that while Murphy “has an interest, an affinity” for GAP, that she is not an official member such as a “president, chair, fee-paying member etc” and therefore did not have a conflict of interest.
Climate Action Working Session
Coun. John Gordon put forth a motion at the Sept. 21 Committee of the Whole meeting to ask Rick Zytaruk of Builders for Climate Action to attend a future working session, regarding the environmental impact of building construction and ongoing operations. “Gravenhurst has been a little bit ahead of trying to get climate activities ramped up, we are trying to not lose that momentum,” said Gordon. “Hopefully by asking Rick to participate, other municipalities in the area can have the opportunity to see these kinds of efforst to revise construction materials that are used in our new builds,” he said. The motion was passed to have a working session and invite other municipalities to observe online. The date has yet to be announced.
The next council meeting is Oct. 19 at 3:00pm. Previous meetings can be viewed on youtube on the Gravenhurst channel.
Denise says
Jo Morphy is the most honest hardworking caring person I know. SHAME
I watch every council meetings.