Photo of Fire Station 2 by the Town of Bracebridge.

Councillor calls Vankoughnet fire station removal “slap in the face” 

After several hours of heated discussion, it appears the Vankoughnet fire hall will be moving to Uffington.

During yesterday’s Bracebridge general committee meeting, councillors voted to relocate Bracebridge Fire Hall #2 from Highway 118 East near Vankoughnet to 1002 Uffington Road, now known as Uffington Park.

Coun. Barb McMurray, who represents Oakley Ward where the current Fire Station #2 is located, was strongly opposed to the move, as were several members of the public in attendance for the meeting.

“They’re going to be the lucky ones and were going to be the losers,” said McMurray comparing the Uffington and Vankoughnet areas. “We’re expected to turn the other cheek and take a slap in the face…that’s the way I see it and that’s the way my community sees it.”

The decision followed a presentation by Town-hired consultants the Loomex Group.

According to Loomex, a fire station in the Uffington area would provide the department with easy access to the Highway 118 East corridor and the Ecclestone Drive industrial and commercial area. The department’s firefighters could reach significantly more residents within 10 or 12 minutes when responding from the Uffington area (compared to other areas).

According to staff, 1002 Uffington Road was determined to be the best-suited site for many reasons including the size of the property, geography of the property, ease of access to Hwy 118 East from a secondary roadway, and ultimately its measurable benefits around providing the greatest fire protection to the southeast quadrant of the Town of Bracebridge. In addition, 1002 Uffington Road is Town-owned, which would result in cost savings as no new property is required to be purchased. The property is known as Uffington Park.

In June of 2022, Council agreed that the Fire Chief and other senior staff should begin looking at opportunities for the acquisition of property to facilitate the future construction of a new Bracebridge Fire Station 2 and report back to General Committee

However, McMurray said a part of that resolution was that the Town would host public meetings with regard to the new fire hall. 

Town CAO Stephen Rettie said there would be public meetings but they would not take place until after the site selection, and they would consider the functions and amenities of the 1002 Uffington Road site and facility.

McMurray said that was unacceptable.

“We’ve got the cart before the horse again,” she said.  “The people need to know what’s taking place. They’re concerned that the protection they have now is going to be gone.”

Coun. Don Smith objected to the motion, saying the original motion had called for a presentation on a range of potential sites, but the committee had only been presented with one option.   

“I’m surprised and disappointed that we are where we are today,” said Smith. “Engagement was a really important part of this project, not engagement after the fact.”

CAO Rettie told the committee there weren’t any viable options for suitable locations. He said staff felt it was a waste of time and resources to find properties which they knew weren’t viable options. He said it was felt that the location for the new fire station must be a data-driven decision and not based on public opinion.

Fire Chief Scott Granahan said the decision was based on many hours of research.

“I can commit to you without any hesitation that this is the right move,” he said.

Granahan said he’s met with all of the firefighters based out of Station #2 and he understands their concerns with the move.

“They will put their pride and love of the fire service ahead of their opinion,” he said. 

Construction of the new fire station is currently pegged at $4.5 million, to be included in the 2024-2033 Long Term Capital Plan.

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One Comment

  1. Norm Raynor says:

    When I read this article it sounds to me like town staff is telling town council what to do. The local people should have had a chance to voice their opinion before any decision was made. Is there a reason why the fire hall in Vankoughnet can not remain , and a new fire hall be built in Uffington?

    This process of selection seems to be very similar to the way decision about our hospital was made. No input from the public being affected.