A new religious and cultural centre appears to be in the works for Gravenhurst.
Tomorrow the Gravenhurst Committee of Adjustment will consider a minor variance to allow an extra 1.8 m in height for a religious institution to be built at 1070 Canning Road.
No rezoning is required for the building as religious institutions are permitted under the current RR-5 zoning of the property.
The application was put forward on behalf of Veda Shastra Cultural Sabha Inc. Doppler is currently attempting to contact the proponent to find out more about the institution.
A social media account for the group states: “Brampton Vedha Group is an organization founded in Toronto, by our Guru, Sri Balakrishna Sastrigal.”
The application was submitted in order to permit a maximum height of 9.3 metres where 7.5 metres is permitted.
Staff are recommending the approval as it complies with all of the necessary policies and standards. In part, the staff report reads:
“The proposed Religious Institution will enhance the diversity of cultural and religious resources in the Town and increase tourism and economic development opportunities that are compatible with the existing rural character of the area.”
The lot is described as being 5.4 hectares with 61 m of frontage, and having a private water supply and sewage system.
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I honestly dont feel such a huge structure needs to be built up.through here . It will definitely stand out like you see in cities and we are not in cities up here. Building something that speaks muskoka is one thing but not a huge structure. It still comes back to.the idea, you want to move to canada, you.live as canadians do. So many of our rules and ways have been accomodated as is..somewhere in here things need to slow down and in sime cases. Stopped.
I think this would be an asset to Gravenhurst because of the changing diversity of people coming to the area. The only thing I am concerned with is the highway expansion and that the land where this is to be built is next door to a former landfill site. Gravenhurst should be considering the detrimental damage for these people. Apon investigation section 46 of the Environmental protection act ..on non operating landfills and dumps The Ministry normally shall not permit residential or other sensitive land use! Why is the health risk of these people drinking contaminated water. I welcome people of different ethantisatys but hate to see them put in danger.
We can’t help the homeless or the housing crisis in this country but we can help build a enormous mosque. Please help me understand Mr. Ford / Mr. Smith.
In principle I’m for religious freedom and embrace multiculturalism, I just don’t think a rural setting is the place for this size and the of development. Canning road is in horrible condition (like the vast majority of Muskoka roads) and need a complete reconstruction, this development will significantly increase the traffic on Canning, Baseline, Route D and 11.
A great looking building and addition to the Town. Those critical weren’t commenting on the monstrous condos at The Wharf ! Apparently Country of origin affects people’s vision of architecture .
P.S…..There is No such place as “The Muskoka’s” and residents should know that !
Here’s the thing. Are they planning on using the ordinance to building something like what is posted on this website? A huge statue? Yes we have cultural diversity and religious freedom but having enormous statues of anything impacts our communities. Am I right in thinking this?
You’ve got to be kidding. We go to Gravenhurst and Muskokas to see the beauty of nature not some monstrous building. It’s a disgrace to Muskoka to even think about building that m onster!
Wonderful to see diversity and attractive architecture. What a comparison to to plain big city plaza at south end of town, which does not even have a statue or gardens or anything attractive…or even different. Just square concrete. Looking forward to something aesththeticaly pleasing. Welcome. Glad you are coming..Robert Richards
This is wonderful news! The visual esthestics is going amazing, if is built in traditional fashion, which I think it will be.
Congratulations to the Town of Gravenhurst for reconizing that there is a need for such , as many of our new neighbourhood friends work hard to serve us in the community . They deserve a place to seek peace and harmony.
What a joy to see new diversity. Welcome. I have never seen an ugly temple and look forward to its visual appeal. What a contrast it will be to the big city plaza at the South end of town, which does not have a single aesthetic feature. Not even a simple statue or special garden or tree. Just concrete. Hopefully the new temple will stimulate better aesthetic considerations. It may stimulate more diversity in food products welcome. Robert Richards
Please include a map showing the location of this proposed new building.
Fact is that we will have Muskoka with 50% population from India and South Asia in next 25 years. Graydon Smith and Doug Ford are taking the lead in welcoming them and showing them where to set roots as part of their growth initiative . Mayor Maloney is on board as he wants growth. Let’s support the plan to have a mosque and temple in Bracebridge and Huntsville. .
The town’s folk do not want t6hus, what is wrong with Muskoka ask the taxpayer.
Why are you importing a different demographic, what’s wrong with white Canadians ?
We will be a persecuted minority in years to come.
“Compatible with the existing rural character of the area” the planners state.
I don’t think this is compatible with the rural character of ANY place in the whole world.
What a joke this Planning department is.
Article says : “The proposed Religious Institution will enhance the diversity of cultural and religious resources in the Town and increase tourism and economic development opportunities that are compatible with the existing rural character of the area.”
Really? Is this what we want and need? How about something in thr Muskoka style? Not something from South Asia.
Is this compatible with ‘rural character’? Need for a revamp of the Planning Department.