Gravenhurst Council recently heard concerns over a Hindu cultural center planned for Canning Road In Gravenhurst.
On Nov. 17 Gravenhurst Committee of Adjustment approved a minor variance application for a new religious and cultural centre at 1070 Canning Road. The application, which was recommended for approval by staff, allowed an extra 1.8 m in height for the building.
However, during the latest Gravenhurst council meeting, resident Robert Hancock, who said he was speaking on behalf of several concerned residents, brought up a number of issues with the plan.
Although the proposal meets the zoning requirements for the area, Hancock said the zoning was originally intended to facilitate small churches that would be open for a few hours a week.
“From what we have seen in the minor variance application the proposed structure goes way beyond this,” said Hancock.
If large numbers of people are using the centre it could lead to groundwater, septic, illumination and noise concerns.
The lot is described as being 5.4 hectares with 61 m of frontage, and having a private water supply and sewage system.
Hancock said there have also been rumours that the centre will be used to house new immigrants and that there will be a restaurant on the premises.
Attempts by Doppler to contact the applicant, Veda Shastra Cultural Sabha Inc. were unsuccessful.
Hancock said another concern is that the remainder of the approval process will be done “behind closed doors” and that there will be no more opportunity for public input.
Staff said the applicant must still move through the site plan approval process, which lays out more detailed plans for the property, but the authority to approve the plan is delegated to staff.
Mayor Hedi Lorenz pointed out that the application must still operate the centre under the permitted uses for property.
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I fail to see how the proposal application differs from any of the above already operating within Muskoka. Let’s try to open our minds and hearts and be more inclusive.
from “Voice of Vedas Cultural Sabha Inc. is an institution that nurtures families from Cradle to Golden Years. It comprises of Vishnu Mandir, Montessori School, Seniors Home and Global Care Outreach Program as its arms. Canadian Museum of Indian Civilization is a sister organization of Voice of Vedas Cultural Sabha Inc. Vishnu Mandir promotes peace and the message of harmony among all the religions is send through Wall of Peace. In addition, a monument in the Peace Park is dedicated to Canadian soldiers who sacrificed their lives during Canada’s peace keeping efforts. Continuing its relentless efforts for the benefit of mankind Voice of the Vedas Cultural Sabha Inc. had also launched Global Care Outreach Program in 2011. This program conceptualized and successfully launched the Doobay Medical and Research Centre in Guyana. This renal center is now treating patients on a regular basis.”
We watched for 25 years as the GTA swallowed up Vaughan, Newmarket, Bradford, Barrie, Orillia.
Now it’s made its way to Muskoka we’re acting so surprised.
And our great leaders brag about how Muskoka has the room, “we’ll pick up the slack!”.
The other atoronto problems aren’t too far behind- traffic, pollution, crime. Pooping on beaches 🤣 Ask your local by-law officer how they’re enjoying the new city-mentality 🤣
I agree with most concerned Muskoka residents, except Wendy Brown. I’d like to see her sell her home here, and try living in north Brampton for a while. I worked in that area for 30 years and saw the changes….. a very sad progression. I hope elected Muskoka officials with protect Muskoka’s heritage, moving forward with great caution.
What a loaf of nimby nonsense. The connects all reek of elitists “I got mine, Jack, anyone new is an interloper”. And I hope I’m wrong, but it also smells a lot like anti- brown racism.
The beginning of the the end! Canadian cul ture is being swallowed and digested slowly but siurely.
The bottom line is that muskoka is turning into a little Toronto… and we are not having it… people can call it whatever they want .but the truth is the truth and anyone with a brain can see the writing on the wall
Living around the corner, I’m concerned about the environmental and traffic/road impacts. Canning road and Baseline Road are both in horrible condition now, have years of patches on top of each other, Route D isn’t great either. What happens with all the extra traffic on these roads and highway 11 ? The town/district are horrible at maintaining the roads now. How much more will vehicle traffic increase ?? A rural setting probably isn’t the best place for this size facility, light and noise pollution, water runoff, added traffic etc.
Let’s keep muskoka ‘MUSKOKA’! It’s already loosing it’s charm with all huge resorts. Now this – it’s too much and it needs to stop before it’s too late.
Would everyone be as up in the air if it was a united church, or a salvation army or jehovah witness building. As long as they pass the building codes and have a big enough parking lot whats the problem?
The roads in that location cannot sustain the traffic that a building of that size will generate now and in the future.
Muskoka zoning bylaws need to change. As of right churches should not be allowed. Certainly not this size.
I have little doubt that this will become a major commercial establishment with all the trappings. Council should impose an interim control bylaw to stop this enormous building.
Time for Mayor Heidi Lorenz to listen and take action to protect our rural character or we must plan now on her replacement.