Attention: Ms. Moreen Miller, Chair, and Board of Directors,Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare (MAHC)
Re: Request Immediate Release of Documentation and Request Response to Our Concerns:
Due to the healthcare bombshell dropped upon the citizens of Muskoka and area three weeks ago, by the Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare, (MAHC), and Board of Directors, a citizens’ committee has formed to address this serious situation. Our committee, representing several thousands of citizens who object to, and have signed petitions against the MAHC Board’s action, is now known officially as “Save South Muskoka Hospital”. Phyllis Ingram and I are the elected co-chairs.
Historically, after many years of research and public input, reassurances were provided from all levels of government, including Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare, to our citizens, that the Towns of Bracebridge and Huntsville, would have two, equally sized hospitals constructed with limited shared services to provide the medical needs of our communities. Stage 1.3 of planning was commenced by MAHC in the fall of 2022, after public notification of the two equal hospitals model was publicly announced to proceed. This plan was to be submitted as the “Functional Program” to the Ministry of Health by September 30, 2023. Unfortunately, the reassurances of the agreed upon concept did not proceed. At some unknown time period, MAHC privately rescinded, not only the plans of development, but clandestinely developed and proceeded with a new model without seeking input from our doctors, staff, and especially from the public to proceed.
Not until November 30th, 2023, did MAHC for the first time, reveal to the staff at South Muskoka Memorial Hospital, Bracebridge that the originally agreed upon model was completely revamped. These employees were advised that this information must remain strictly confidential privy only to those in attendance with nothing to be revealed to fellow staff not in attendance, nor family and friends. Staff felt highly intimidated and helpless to express any objections to the new plans. It was not until, January 24, 2024, that MAHC finally announced publicly that they had changed the model submission for the Ministry of Health. No details were released until the first MAHC “Chat” was held on January 29th, 2024.
At that time, in Dwight, MAHC advised of the new “Made in Muskoka” model that they would be submitting to the Ministry by their alleged mandated deadline by the Ministry at the end of March 2024. This was presented as a “fait accompli” rather than an opportunity for public involvement nor buy-in. Our communities are furious at the lack of consideration for their views, but even more so, we are outraged at the lack of transparency, and the imposed timelines. We deserve far better than this from the Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare, and demand that full disclosure of documents relied upon for their decisions, be immediately released by the MAHC Board of Directors for public inspection.
We therefore insist upon the following:
- Release of the Report(s) Submitted by Urban Strategies Inc. and Stantec
The above reports or any documents from others that were relied upon by MAHC to decide upon the site location selected at 300 Pine Street, Bracebridge vs the sites not selected including the current location and 1975 Muskoka Beach Road must be disclosed. The environmental and financial implications must be released due to the considerable discrepancies circulated verbally, which create great concern. Without the full release of these reports to dispel rumours, no one is able to realize the full impact of one site over the other. To ensure full transparency, this request must include full financials, including, but not limited to the appraised value of each property, site purchase submissions, any donations, costs of ground preparation, traffic engineering reports, sale of rock, environmental studies including endangered species studies, etc.
Also please advise if there has been an environmental report submitted previously by ecologist, Mr. Gord Neilson, and if so, we also request those documents.
We note that Mr. George Chen submitted a proposal to donate all the required land plus a donation of $10 million dollars on December 31, 2023. MAHC openly claimed that they made the final decision on the Innovative Model in January 2024.
Since MAHC has agreed to slow up the process and re-evaluate the submission to the Ministry of Health, it is only logical to look at all aspects of future savings. It is imperative that we learn why over $180 million dollars will allegedly be spent by MAHC, just for ground preparation alone at the Pine Street location. Our committee wishes to examine both locations. Midland reports they submitted plans to build a 240-bed hospital for much less than MAHC is planning to spend just to level the property. (More of Midland below)
- Release Full Financial Reports and Designs for Construction of Each Hospital.
No one is able to confirm nor dispute the reality of actual costs and practicality of building each hospital in Bracebridge and Huntsville until full disclosure of the financial and construction expectations are released for both communities. To date, only extremely limited suggested values/costs have been released, which clearly is insufficient for the public to grasp the magnitude of expenses.
As an example, it has recently been disclosed that Midland has submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Health for a 240-bed new hospital, with four operating rooms creating 500 new staff positions with an anticipated cost of $100 million. The Ministry of Health is alleged to pay 90% of the costs with 10% from the communities. This appears at first blush to be considerably less than the proposals outlined by MAHC. Such comparisons or financial understandings cannot go unchallenged without the release of proposed MAHC financials created for our two-hospital concept.
- Designation of Huntsville for the Stroke Centre Requiring an MRI
MAHC has continuously stated that the Ministry of Health has designated Huntsville as the Stroke Centre for this region and that this designation is non-negotiable. Dr. Bill Hemens, a very knowledgeable local physician of many years strongly disputes the “non-negotiable” status of the stroke centres across Ontario. In fact, he, and other physicians, plus EMS personnel have actually disputed the correctness of the Huntsville location advising it should be centrally located for the populations at Bracebridge.
Would you please show the documentation that you relied upon to make such a claim. To seek a written statement from the Ministry of Health at this time is not what we request. To be specific, we require the documentation previously issued by the Ministry that directed that no other designation area was permitted.
- Proposed Removal of Obstetrics from Bracebridge Hospital
MAHC has emphatically stated that Huntsville Hospital has 2/3rds of all births born in Muskoka with a tally of 200 babies, while Bracebridge has only 100 births. These figures, we do not argue with. It has widely been reported, however, by physicians, nurses, and EMS personnel that the reason for this considerable variance is because Bracebridge Hospital Obstetrics Department has been extremely understaffed forcing them on bypass after initial assessment of the patient. This has forced a very small number of low-risk expectant mothers to be taken north to Huntsville, which inflates their birth counts, while a much larger number of the births within South Muskoka are taken to Orillia Hospital, which therefore are not counted at Bracebridge.
By designating the Huntsville Hospital as the sole location for birthing, plus attending pre- & post-natal clinics, this forces young women to travel considerable distances in various weather conditions. Furthermore, as a result of this one location Obstetrics Centre, it places Bracebridge Hospital with medical doctors who refuse to remain in town since they feel Bracebridge will no longer provide them with sufficient services as a multi-faceted medical centre, especially those who are obstetricians.
With all due respect, “Save South Muskoka Hospital” along with the thousands of upset citizens opposing the “Made-in-Muskoka” plan cannot move forward with informed decisions, until such times as full transparency by MAHC becomes a reality.
Little consideration has been provided to the thousands of seasonal residences who have not received proper notification of the new model. They deserve to be notified, with an opportunity to respond.
Lastly, will MAHC please provide your next steps in this process to move forward and what those steps entail?
We look forward to a response at your earliest opportunity.
_______________________ ________________________
Bruce C. Kruger Phyllis Winnington-Ingram
Co-chair Co-chair
Save South Muskoka Hospital
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Jim Wouters says
For the record there are many us down south (hundreds if not thousands) unable to sign the petition put forward by the Save South Muskoka Hospital group. AND FURTHER there are many more Seasonal residents (thousands) of Muskoka (Muskoka taxpayers) who haven’t been informed of the Board’s proposal.
One cannot help but think that the timing of the Board’s announcement was purposely planned to avoid any negative feedback from snowbirds or our seasonal residents. The deadline needs to be extended to give NOTICE of the proposal to snowbirds and our seasonal residents. To hold public meetings and allow questions and comment from snowbirds and our seasonal residents. Failing to do so would be inappropriate and undemocratic.
kent mckenzie phillips says
If the majority of inpaient beds reside in Huntsville ,does anyone expect the fa mily physicians to travel 40 km to Huntsville to visit their
patients on a daily basis as they normally do in Bracebridge.?That wont happen as the time distancd equation is prohiabitive.