From the Township of Muskoka Lakes:
With the recent high water levels, the Flood Watch Bulletin issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) remains in effect until at least Friday, April 26, 2024.
The Township continues to advocate on behalf of residents to the MNRF for proactive dam and water level management.
Water levels have receded slightly from their peak. However, with more rain in the forecast, the Township would remind residents and visitors to remain vigilant and heed the following precautions.
Keep in mind that saturated areas adjacent to still and moving water can be unstable and/or slippery especially during the spring. The public is asked to stay back from riverbanks and flowing water and watch children and pets around these areas.
For those who choose to navigate waterways, please be mindful of your speed to avoid unnecessary erosion of the adjacent shorelines and stay on the lookout for floating debris in the waterway.
Items close to the water’s edge and in the lower levels of boat houses should be secured to prevent damage. It is further recommended that you disconnect boathouses from the electrical supply and weigh down docks that may be susceptible to floating away.
Properties in flood prone areas using a well for potable water should assume the water is not safe to drink. Property owners are responsible for monitoring their own wells. Please visit the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit website for more information on private water during and after a flood.
Any concerns about water levels, should be directed to the Ministry of Natural Resource and Forestry’s Water Management Team at 705-645-8747 or email [email protected].
For further background information on the relationship of the Muskoka River Water Management Plan to the lakes and rivers within the Township visit
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Where is our esteemed MP and Minister of Natural Resources on this? He’s scarer than Waldo on this matter. Seems special interests run this province.