Despite being one of the most picturesque locations in Muskoka, Torrance Barrens Reserve proved [...]
Matt Driscoll
Timely advice
By Rusty Draper My dad has been gone now for over 40 years, and I’ll remember him for many [...]
Flipped car leads to charges in Huntsville
On Tuesday a man pleaded guilty for his role in a car accident on Highway 11 in December [...]
EXAMPLES OF WHEN TO MAKE A BERGEN RAISE By Peter Rhead Last week we reviewed the Bergen Raises. [...]
Quesada opening locations in Gravenhurst and Bracebridge
Bracebridge and Gravenhurst will soon both be home to a new Mexico-inspired restaurant, [...]
Gunshots lead to fentanyl conviction for Bracebridge man
A Bracebridge man was called to account this week after a warrant turned up fentanyl in his [...]
Muskoka Discovery Centre, Norwood Theatre to re-open this weekend
It’s been a very long time since Muskoka residents could visit museums or attend theatre [...]
Muskoka Lumber Arena: New Bracebridge rink gets a name
Bracebridge’s new arena, library and community center complex now has a name. This morning [...]
Gravenhurst business celebrates $10,000 win
This year’s second place Founders Choice Awards winner and recipient of $10,000 was [...]
Court recap – Car accident leads to impaired conviction
A man pleaded guilty to impaired driving in Bracebridge last week following an incident where [...]
With a few exceptions, this commentary could be describing Trudeau, not Trump. Unfortunately we are living in a time when…
This article is misleading! For instance the bridge on Goltz Lane has been closed to vehicle traffic for a very…
Omgosh! Illegal!! Doh!
Rob Adam’s It is not Canada's responsibility to insure ileagal goods cross to the United States! It is their border…
This is why the District wanted to hand over the ownership of the bridge a couple of years ago, let…