Last updated: July 30, 2021
COVID-19 in Muskoka: By the numbers
Last update, September 20, 2021 Summary of Muskoka cases: Cases reported in the past week: [...]
A note from the editor
Hello and welcome to South Muskoka Doppler! We’re very excited to be able to bring a [...]
With a few exceptions, this commentary could be describing Trudeau, not Trump. Unfortunately we are living in a time when…
This article is misleading! For instance the bridge on Goltz Lane has been closed to vehicle traffic for a very…
Omgosh! Illegal!! Doh!
Rob Adam’s It is not Canada's responsibility to insure ileagal goods cross to the United States! It is their border…
This is why the District wanted to hand over the ownership of the bridge a couple of years ago, let…