This summer I have observed a dog (not a service dog) sniffing at the produce and meats in a small grocery store. He could have as easily lifted his leg and urinated. The manager said there was nothing he could do!
I was waiting for my car to be serviced when I had a dog jump onto my lap and the owner thought it was just wonderful! Another dog was romping around the waiting room unleashed. The owner said he was not going restrict the dogs (or their owners).
I was mauled by a dog as a child and as a nurse have seen what dogs can do. Dogs are not people, folks, and should not be expected to behave as people in people settings.
Kay Godden
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Dogs are living animals. Also family to many and since this earth has many living things, we need to learn to live with them. Banning their freedom isn’t preparing many on how to socially mix and accept them. Maybe city living isn’t in the cards for most animals, as maybe it isn’t for some people to live outside the city, but for most, learning to exist amount these animals is a joy. Understandably having a bad experience can disturb some, and yes there are irresponsible pet owners also, but by far the most of us respect each other with our pets and others with this fear. Maybe put some people on leashes, just saying!
Bracebridge is such a backwards little town.
It’s clearly going to the dogs.
As one councillor said “Most municipalities have an on leash bylaw”.
Regarding allowing off leash “Leadership in other municipalities has indicated quite strongly this is NOT the direction we should be going”.
Instead off leash practically everywhere was approved in spite of many attacks and the fact many dog owners prefer on leash to protect their dog.
There are many instances of off leash dog attacks in Muskoka.
Not just attacks on people but other dogs as well.
Dogs in other areas are properly trained and are chill most of the time.
Dogs in Muskoka are mostly wild.
They can’t even pass each other on the sidewalk without barking and wanting to fight and straining against the leash.
I always had to pick my kids up here when passing a dog since otherwise it would jump up on them, knock them over and they would hit their head on the sidewalk.
Let alone some freaking out, barking and baring their teeth like they are ready to bite. Very scary for kids.
Here are a few of the headlines:
Dog bite leaves young Bracebridge girl traumatized, claims mother. Bracebridge neighbourhood feels terrorized following dogfight.
Gravenhurst family mourning their pet following an attack by another dog.
Dog owner charged following investigation into puppy death.
Dog attacks leave woman with unanswered questions.
Warning issued about dangerous dog being at large.
Some dog owners don’t trust other dogs and want them on a leash.
Dog attacks like this obviously will greatly increase now that Bracebridge allows off leash in many new areas.
Muskoka has definitely gone to the dogs.
They have the run of the place.
They are now free to lift a leg on beaches where kids play in the sand and maul anyone on a playground.
You might think since dogs have been given huge chunks of parks with fenced areas for big and small dogs to dig holes and lift legs and squat that consideration would be given to creating a park for kids only where dogs are banned.
Somewhere you can take your kid and not have to worry about being licked, knocked over or mauled by someone’s dog or go home with their smelly business on your shoes.
Not in Muskoka.
Even if there was such a park dog owners would let their dogs run off leash anyway, of course.
Dogs have the run of the place.
Muskoka should have the same fines as Guelph. They must also be on leash when on a public trail, park or thoroughfare. Extendable leads are not permitted.
Also $5,000!! fine for persistent noise and not picking up after your animal.
Not in Muskoka.
Dogs have the run of the place.