
Study find four bridges in Bracebridge in “poor” condition 

On the heels of the unexpected and indefinite closure of the Silver Bridge, Bracebridge is receiving a report on the condition of all bridges and large culverts in the municipality.

The Town has 17 bridges and nine large culverts. In the fall of 2024, bridge engineers from Planmac conducted element-by-element visual inspections of the 26 structures. 

Their report indicates four bridges and three culverts in “poor” condition. That does not include the Silver Bridge on Entrance Drive, which was closed in January following an unexpected structural “shift”. The extent of the problem and potential timeline and cost of remediation remain unknown.  

The bridges listed as “poor” are Stoneleigh Road Bridge, Crozier Falls Bridge on Purbrook Road, Goltz Lane Bridge on Ball’s Drive and Purbrook Road Bridge.

Based on the results of the inspections and Planmac’s engineering judgement, the report recommends that 14 of the Town’s 26 structures undergo some form of repair, rehabilitation or replacement over the next five years. Those replacements and repairs are expected to cost $6.2 million.

The estimated current value and replacement cost of all the Town’s bridge and culvert structures is estimated at approximately $26.3 million and $35.6 million, respectively. 

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  1. Norm Raynor says:

    This article is misleading! For instance the bridge on Goltz Lane has been closed to vehicle traffic for a very long time. I can’t see why any money would be spent on it, and it probably won’t. This was a due diligence study/survey probably because some higher level of government mandated it and the Town doesn’t want to be sued if something ever happens. Every now and then the Town does the right thing…….now the gazebo that’s different.

  2. D.C. says:

    This is why the District wanted to hand over the ownership of the bridge a couple of years ago, let the town pay for repairs

  3. Gertrude Gilbert says:

    Well obvious been ignored for far to long!!!

  4. Jack Lord says:

    How can this be?? $100 million blown on the new arena (plus interest payments for 25 years). We can’t even use the main bridge into the downtown. Inspected in November and dangerous in January such that it’s shut. Other bridges and culverts in decrepit condition!!! Priorities seem misplaced in Bracebridge. The town needs a revamping of management who have allowed this mess to occur. Start at the top and work down. .